Celebrate World Environment Day 2020!

Celebrate World Environment Day 2020!

Posted by T. Schuur | Community Herbalist | Aromatherapist | Botanical Chemistry & Formulation | Integrative Health Practitioner on 5th Jun 2020

June 5 is World Environment Day, a day to reflect on the importance of nature and keeping our environment healthy for us and generations to come.

It is great time for some personal reflection! Here are some things I have been reflecting on and some of the personal answers I have come up with:

How can I be be more "green” both personally and professionally?

One of the many ways I strive to contribute to the whole health of the environment is through replenishment. I use natural’s daily for personal and professional purposes, but I also reseed and feed the environment around me. In addition, I only purchase raw materials from reliable and ethical suppliers who are environmentally conscious as well.

What are some the many benefits of enjoying the grandeur of nature?

Being in nature is proven to decrease bloods pressure, improve skin health, decrease cortisol, increase serotonin and create a whole onslaught of other positive physiological and psychological changes within the human body! Check out my article on Forest Bathing for more information!

What are some of the new ways that I can enjoy these many benefits of nature?

I literally have an alarm set daily for my “nature-fix”! Everyday at 4pm I stop what I am doing and I walk the trails in the forest that surrounds my home office. It is hands down the best therapy I have ever had and at zero $$ price tag nonetheless!

How do I further incorporate recycling into my business life?

I offer re-use programs through HgH. I can’t sell used packaging due the Health Canada regulation, but I can offer refill days at a discount and refill your personal shampoo, conditioner, lotion, sanitizer and more for you! It’s an all around win-win!

How do I show honour and respect to nature?

Through appreciation and respect of all living things I show honour. I make every effort to leave it better than I found it. I create sanctuary for animals in the forest on my property. I leave scattered for them their natural feedings so they are fed and sheltered yet left to be wild and free. I cherish the moments of silence when I am in the forest and our hearts beat as one.

How can I support other companies that are investing in "green" living?

I select my suppliers of raw materials only after thorough research. I choose ethically sourced products from companies with environmental impact policies and choose to align with those that are of similar mindset in terms of environmental and community issues.

How can I encourage friends, family and clients to explore what “green” living is?

Through example, education and sharing of passion and experience I hope to create change in my sphere of influence.

How can I create “green” sustainability as a company that relies on nature for its raw materials?

Through my Reseed and Feed program I ensure that nature and the environment will be an enduring legacy for generations to come.

Download my free Personal Reflections and Affirmations Guide titled “The Sounds of Nature Bring Peace When my Soul is Restless”.

This is a timely guide to help settle your soul through affirmation and guided imagery! In a world that has gone crazy, with chaos erupting around us, it is one that I fall back on a lot these days!


How are you creating positive environmental impact in the world around you? Share your stories in the comment section of the blog to be entered to win a Clean & Green His and Hers Pit Balm Set!

#worldenvironmentday #environmentday2020 #environmentday #cleanandgreen #ReseedandFeed #OnePlanet

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